Node Map

NINO uses the NodeMap to create views:

The group maps are very useful to create your own customized map. This could be maps of your country or city, but it could also be a functional map of your ICT services. In the examples below the NodeMap will be explained in detail.

What is the NodeMap and how does it work ?

The NodeMap is a java applet that will show nodes and node connections. Nodes can be routers, servers, switches or anything else, the applet just takes names and images as input to show the map. Also the background color and connector properties can be changed. The optional background image can be your region, country or city map. Nodes can be moved with the mouse and also be saved. Double click will open the link to display the node.

There are several functions using left or right mouseclick, CTRL-mouseclick, SHIFT-mouseclick or ALT-mouseclick. Nodes can be moved, deleted, zooom in/out and connectors can be added or deleted. The table below will show all functions.

Mouse actionFunction description
Single clickSelect node
Double clickDisplay node or open new submap
Drag nodeSet new node position
Move and keep right click pressedAuto position all nodes (only if node is not selected)
SHIFT-right click nodeDelete node
Select node and CTRL-left click other nodeAdd connector from selected node to CTRL-clicked node
Select node and CTRL-right click other nodeDelete connector from selected node to CTRL-clicked node
ALT-left drag nodeZoom in/out node
Save submap
Go one level higher
Resize submap to map-image size
Reset submap size
3D View
Configure map properties, such as size, background image, color


Example: Country map

Example: Webhosting with DMZ

Example: network with servers

Business view

To create a business view of your network components, it is important to design how to group your devices. This view could be a dashboard of your most important ICT services. Each group could represent a part of the ICT service, containing devices responsible for a certain task in the process flow. In the example below a "real world" case of a WebHosting environment is described. This WebHosting environment depends on many functional processes. All nodes are grouped using this process flow as input, e.g: the Publishing group will contain all servers running the publishing application. All alerts coming from these servers will highlight the group with the highest severity color.

To create groups of devices, go to menu TOOLS and click on New group.

New group:

Select the devices and click Apply. The final step is to create a master group with all the groups you just created. This can be done by the link Groups in: <master group> . Select all groups you want to display in the map and click Apply. Because this group does not contain any devices, only groups, the group will also be listed in the root of the device browser. The next step is to customize the map settings for this master group. In this case the master group is named processflow.

The background image represents the process flow of all WebHosting ICT processes. Click on the button to select the image.

Map properties /Groups/processflow
Connector color:
Background color:
Background image:Select image

The next step is to position all groups and save the map .